“We are the first generation to feel the effect of climate change and the last generation who can do something about it.”
Obama’s famous words are – sadly – still true today, five years on.
Because we need to act now to avoid rising water levels, climate migration, plant and animal extinction among many consequences caused by climate change.
Last week BCG went to Folkemødet to advocate for a green constitution together with Novozymes, Grundfos, and Folkekirkens Nødhjælp.
Here we presented five principles for a green constitution to policymakers and discussed the need to add provisions regarding climate and environment to the Danish constitution.
The companies all agreed that people living in Denmark should have the right to clean drinking water (1), clean air (2), a circular society (3), diverse nature (4), and last but not least, a climate neutral society (5).
Members of the audience, as well as, political figures were excited about the initiative. Fmr. Minister of Finance Kristian Jensen, and fmr. Minister of Forening Affairs Martin Lidegaard will both take the pillars and principles back to their political parties.
You can read more about the debates and the five principles here